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Improving Indoor Air Quality

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the indoor air inside your home can be 4 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside. This is because contaminants such as viruses, mold spores, bacteria, and allergens can be floating in your air and multiplying at a very fast rate. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been linked to more and more respiratory diseases and infections, especially in children and the elderly. 


The following are services and products we offer than can help reduce the amount of toxins and improve indoor air quality in your home:


Home Air Purifiers 
Every day, things such as mold, dust, viruses, bacteria and dust mites can circulate through your air after passing through your HVAC system. In addition, harmful gases from gas stoves, vehicle exhaust, paints, varnishes, cleaning products, and pesticides can also be dispersed. A whole home air purifier can remove a high percentage of these toxins from your air.


Whole House Humidifiers 
To maintain a comfortable environment, homes need an adequate amount of moisture. Low humidification levels can result in dry skin and hair, as well as cracked hardwood floors and furniture. A whole house humidifier can measure your humidity levels and add water vapor throughout your HVAC system when needed.


Proper dehumidification will reduce your moisture level, increase your comfort and help improve your indoor air quality by minimizing the possibility of mold and mildew growth.


UV Germicidal Lamps 
UV germicidal lamps destroys virtually any harmful microorganism, such as germs, viruses and bacteria, that pass through by breaking up their DNA structure. As a result, the micro-organisms are destroyed and your indoor air quality can be healthier.


Duct Cleaning 
Over time, dirt builds up in your ducts and becomes a trap for bacteria, mold, and dust mites. When these particles sit, they start to multiply. As a result, you may have millions of virus and bacteria particles inside your ductwork that are contaminating your air simply because your ducts aren't clean. To help improve your indoor air quality and reduce these traps for viruses and bacteria, you should have duct cleaning every 2-3 years.

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